Female Hair Loss

Not sure what is causing your hair loss? When you talk to an expert and get yourself properly examined, you will have a clear vision on the best course of treatment.

Hair loss in women can significantly impact their social lives, causing distress. One common cause of hair loss in women is Traction Alopecia, which occurs when excessive force is applied to the hair, such as tight braids, resulting in weakened hair and potential patchy loss. Medications, particularly 5% Minoxidil in foam form, have demonstrated high efficacy in addressing this issue among women. However, hair transplant procedures offer a more convenient, safer, and faster solution compared to traditional medications.

Women’s hair has inspired numerous songs and poems and is widely celebrated for its beauty. At Hair Transplant Mumbai, we prioritize women’s needs and provide them with additional support. Hair loss can affect anyone, but it often brings more stress to women. That’s why Hair Transplant Mumbai is here to assist you!

Types of female hair loss

1. Androgenetic Alopecia

2. Telogen Effluvium

3. Anagen effluvium

4. Alopecia areata

5. Traction Alopecia

Treatment for female hair loss

1. Minoxidil

Minoxidil has obtained approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for addressing hair loss, and it is readily accessible to consumers in the form of topical products available over-the-counter, commonly sold under brand names like Rogaine or various generic alternatives. Both men and women can use minoxidil safely, and users often report a high level of satisfaction with its effectiveness. Minoxidil promotes hair growth by stimulating hair follicles, potentially extending the hair growth cycle. Furthermore, it may help reduce the appearance of greasiness and minimize widening gaps between hair strands by thickening individual hairs.

In addition, it’s worth noting that low-level light therapy, also known as light therapy, may not constitute a comprehensive standalone treatment for hair loss. However, it could enhance the results of other hair loss remedies, such as minoxidil, when used in conjunction with them.

2. Light Therapy

Low-level light therapy, although not typically considered a standalone solution for hair loss, has the potential to enhance the effects of other hair loss medications like minoxidil.

3. Hair Transplant

In certain cases where patients do not respond favorably to treatments, doctors might recommend hair transplantation. However, it’s important to note that hair transplant therapy may not be suitable for everyone and can be a pricier option compared to other treatments. The procedure typically takes one or two days, depending on the number of hair grafts required. It involves relocating hair follicles from the non-androgen dependent region at the back of the scalp to areas experiencing frontal baldness. This approach has the potential to yield excellent and desired results.

4. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroid injections can be a viable treatment option for certain females, but they are typically reserved for specific cases, especially when dealing with conditions like alopecia areata, which leads to hair loss in distinct patches. In such instances, healthcare professionals may opt for corticosteroid injections directly into the hairless areas to encourage the growth of new hair. It’s important to note that this treatment may not necessarily prevent the loss of other hair. Additionally, topical corticosteroids, available in various forms like creams and lotions, may also be considered to help mitigate hair loss.